incu-be学生編集部が 先輩サイエンスコミュニケーターに突撃!

incu-be学生編集部が 先輩サイエンスコミュニケーターに突撃!

今、社会でその能力を発揮し始めている。社会人1~ 4年目のサイエンスコミュニケーターに、incu-be学生編集部の住吉と


立場が変われば内容も変わる ~「ものづくり」の現場だからこそのコミュニケーション~
Look Outside of Your Lab And Get Real Experience Tailor Your Emphasis Based on Your Position
~Communication in the Manufacturing Field~

花王株式会社 研究開発部門
武谷 真由美さん
Kao Corporation R&D department,
Ms. Mayumi Takeya


I graduated from the Science Communicator Program of National Museum of Science and Nature, and now conducting
basic research in Kao. I originally pursued communication skills to hand on joy of science. Now, in addition to my original motivation, I believe that it is also important for our customers to feel more familiar to our products developed
based on science and technology. To achieve this status, I would like my customers know our sincere attitudes and
passion to produce excellent merchandise. As such, you can and should tailor what you emphasize based on what you
do. For better and more effective communication, we always need to clarify the purpose of our communication.

Look Outside of Your Lab And Get Real Experience

栄光サイエンスラボ 経堂校室長
新村 友里さん
Eikoh Science Lab Kyodo General Manager,
Ms. Yuri Niimura


From my experience in managing science lab classes in Eikoh Science Lab, I believe that kids can encounter the joy
of science by conducting experiments by their own hands. My experience in both research and science communication
have shaped my policy as such. In addition to these joyful activities, it is inevitable to acquire the business sense for
managing the class. For example, in a part of our business, we need to write up a convincible proposal, and also need to
place effective ads. In my case, I gained a lot of experience when I was student. Also, my personal connections outside
of my research community help me run my business. Why don’t you go out from your lab and get experienced in a
different field sometimes?

Your Business Sense to Keep Your Projects

レポーター福士 碧沙さん
WAO Corporation
Ms. Aosa Fukushi


I just would like tell to kids what I was interested in when I was a child. That was my motivation to become SC. When
I was in job search, only a few people were acknowledged as professional SC. In those circumstances, I had a sense of
mission to open up the field for the communicators to shine. What I believe important is, so called, “managerial skills” to
keep the work running. Based on the needs of my colleagues in various departments, I produce teaching materials and
systems for kids. To develop the field for SC, business aspect needs to be reminded, too. I hope that my move is taken as
sign post for the next generation SCs.

Collaborate with a Field in a Relation to Nurture 

濱 五十鈴さん
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Science Communicator, Ms. Isuzu Hama


Science delivers happiness to human life, I believe. I became a researcher in medical science because of my wish to help
others. Then, I decided to become SC to deliver the joy of science to as many people as possible. Now, I would like to
collaborate with non-scientific topics such as art, to create  an opportunity for the non-scientist to know more about the
joy of science. Since science is a part of our culture, citizens must take advantage of science by knowing more. How to
run the scientific grant can be decided by citizens. I hope I would be involved in achieving the world in harmony with
science as SC.