【3/3-4HIC Tokyo 2023】Panel Discussion:Impact of Malaysian Industry to ASEAN & the World

Mar 3rd (Fri) 15:10-16:00
Session Partner Aerodyne Group
The 2022 Malaysian GDP growth rate is 8.7%, and we know there are high expectations from around the world for continued high level growth in the future. One of its growth drivers is “Industry 4WRD,” a national strategy to transform the nation into a center of high-tech industry by upgrading the manufacturing industry, which accounts for more than 20% of the country's GDP. Iin Malaysia, the rise of startups that are responsible for implementing Industry 4WRD is remarkable, but at the same time, partnerships with foreign companies are inevitable to accelerate the growth of the nation. In this session, we will hear from the CEOs of Malaysia's leading manufacturing startups about where they currently stand in terms of the country's industrial level, and discuss their expectations for Japanese companies.
2022年のGDP成長率8.7%、そして今後も高水準成長が続くと大きな期待が世界各国から寄せられているマレーシア。その成長ドライバーの一つがGDPの20%以上を占める製造業を高度化し、国をハイテク産業の中心地へと変革する国家戦略「Industry 4WRD」です。国内ではその実行にあたるベンチャー企業の発展が顕著ですが、一方で外資企業のパートナーシップへの期待も大きく、主要投資国の一つである日本企業もその限りではありません。本セッションでは、マレーシアを代表するものづくりベンチャーのCEO達から、国の産業レベルについての現在地を聞き出すとともに、日本企業への期待について議論します。

実施日時 | 2023年3月3日(金)・4日(土)9:30-19:00 |
実施場所 | 九段会館テラスコンファレンス&バンケット |
主催 | 株式会社リバネス |
パートナー | アサヒ飲料株式会社 Wela Online Corp. Aerodyne Group Global Innovation Aliance サントリーグローバルイノベーションセンター株式会社 株式会社シグマクシス ソーラーテック株式会社 大正製薬株式会社 DIC株式会社 東海旅客鉄道株式会社 東洋紡株式会社 株式会社バイオインパクト 株式会社フォーカスシステムズ 株式会社プランテックス 株式会社ユーグレナ ロート製薬株式会社 |
URL | https://hic.lne.st/conference/tokyo2023/ |
Impact of Malaysian Industry to ASEAN & the World

Mr. Kamarul A Muhamed
Aerodyne Group Founder and Group CEO
Mr. Kamarul is the Founder and CEO of Aerodyne Group, a Malaysian-based drone solutions provider that is ranked second in the world by Drone Industry Insights of Germany. He was recently named ‘EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2020’, ‘EY Technology Entrepreneur of The Year 2020 Malaysia’ as well as ‘SEBA Entrepreneur of The Year 2020’. Kamarul led Aerodyne from a 3 person startup in 2014 to a global company with presence in 35 countries in just 6 years. He is a TEDx speaker and a drone industry thought leader, who has presented his ideas and innovation on AI, Drones and Industry 4.0 around the world. An auditor by training, Kamarul spent his formative years in the city of London before switching his career to the tech industry upon returning to Malaysia after a 10 year stint in the UK. Kamarul is an avid explorer and has traveled to more than 100 countries, both for business and pleasure.

Dr. Hanaflah bin Yussof
Robopreneur Sdn. Bhd. Founder and Group CEO
Dr. Hanafiah Yussof is the Founder and Group CEO of Robopreneur Sdn Bhd, a pioneer and market leader in service robotics technology and solutions in Malaysia. Robopreneur has been involved in modernizing businesses and accelerating digital lifestyles in the country. With more than 20 years of experience in robotics research and development, Dr Hanafiah is a prominent figure for the adoption of robotics technology in businesses. Dr. Hanafiah has won several academic and business awards including the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year Award 2021 (top nominee in Technology Category). Dr Hanafiah started the business in 2015 as a Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) start-up company to commercialize his patented research on a Robotics Rehabilitation System for autistic children. In 2018, Robopreneur developed the first humanoid robot in Malaysia named ADAM. Upon its success, Dr Hanafiah expanded Robopreneur’s R&D capabilities to offer robotics, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) products and solutions for the digital transformation of commercial businesses and social enterprises.

Ts. Suria Affendi Amirrudin
UMORIE Graphene Technologies Sdn. Bhd. CEO
Ts. Suria Affendi Amirrudin is the founder and CEO of UMORIE, a company focused on developing cutting-edge energy storage solutions using graphene nanotechnology. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia and has had a successful career in various roles, including as a Site Engineer, Project Development Executive, and Executive Officer (Assessor) with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.In pursuit of his passion for technology invention, he founded UMORIE® in 2018, which won the Good Design Award in Tokyo, Japan, for its high-tech universal mobile phone accessories. He was also selected to further his studies in Tokyo, Japan, under the program name SME@University. Currently, he is focused on developing a graphene battery factory and the commercialization of high-speed electric motorcycles, with a goal of public listing by 2028.

Dr. Yuko Ueno
Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Director
Dr. Yuko Ueno received her Ph.D in Ocean microbiology and joined Leave a Nest in 2013. She has experience in creating new projects by encouraging collaboration between academia and industry as a Science Bridge Communicator. With the experience of tech-startup accelerator, she is bridging Japanese tech startups to global tech-startup platforms to interconnect the technology and social issues. She is also working as a General Manager of the Group Creation Division of Leave a Nest headquarters.
株式会社リバネス 研究開発事業部
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