【3/3-4 HIC Tokyo 2023】Panel Discussion:Innovation in a BOX or outside of the BOX?

Mar 3rd (Fri) 14:00-14:50
Session Partner Global Innovation Aliance
Recently, we often hear the expression “out of the box thinking”. However, isn't it also necessary to do all you can under limited conditions before stepping outside the box to create something new? One of the growth strategies of Singapore, the hub of Southeast Asia, is to have startups that are thoroughly supported within their own country, go beyond the constraints of a small market, and spread their wings to the world. In this session, through discussions with Singaporean government organizations and leading Japanese and Singaporean startups, we will clarify what is happening/what can be done in Singapore (small box), and provide hints for Japanese companies to co-create activities with startups.
既成概念に囚われずに考えることがイノベーションに繋がるという意味で「Out of the box」という表現を最近よく耳にします。しかし、boxの外に出る前に限られた条件下でやれることをやりつくすことも新しいコトを起こすためには必要ではないでしょうか?東南アジアのハブ・シンガポールの国家成長戦略の肝は、自国の中で徹底的にサポートされたベンチャーが、小さなマーケットという制約を超えて世界へ羽ばたくことにあります。本セッションでは、シンガポールという小さなboxの中で起きていること/出来ることを政府組織とベンチャーとの対話から明らかにし、日本企業にとってのベンチャーとの共創活動へのヒントを提供します。

実施日時 | 2023年3月3日(金)・4日(土)9:30-19:00 |
実施場所 | 九段会館テラスコンファレンス&バンケット |
主催 | 株式会社リバネス |
パートナー | アサヒ飲料株式会社 Wela Online Corp. Aerodyne Group Global Innovation Aliance サントリーグローバルイノベーションセンター株式会社 株式会社シグマクシス ソーラーテック株式会社 大正製薬株式会社 DIC株式会社 東海旅客鉄道株式会社 東洋紡株式会社 株式会社バイオインパクト 株式会社フォーカスシステムズ 株式会社プランテックス 株式会社ユーグレナ ロート製薬株式会社 |
URL | https://hic.lne.st/conference/tokyo2023/ |
Innovation in a BOX or outside of the BOX?

Mr. Fabian Tan
Enterprise Singapore Regional Director
Mr Fabian Tan is the Counsellor (Commercial) at the Singapore Embassy in Tokyo and is also the Regional Director in the Northeast Asia and Oceania Group at the Enterprise Singapore (ESG). ESG is the government agency championing enterprise development. Fabian works with government agencies, trade associations and corporate partners to drive the internationalization of Singaporean companies in Japanese markets. He is also active in engaging Japanese incubators and accelerators, VC and PE funds to anchor their presence in Singapore, as part of building the Singaporean startup ecosystem.

Mr. Keith Tan
Crown Digital Pte. Ltd. CEO & Founder
Keith Tan is the Founder and CEO of Crown Digital, a Robotics and Coffee start-up solving key challenges in the F&B industry. In 2016, Keith recognized that Asia’s coffee offerings were not meeting the expectations or needs of all consumers. To solve this issue, Keith assembled a team of technologists, baristas, and coffee lovers to explore how cutting-edge robotics and zero-touch technology could bring Asia’s time-pressed commuters a consistently perfect cup of coffee. The result was “ELLA”, the robot barista. True to Keith’s original vision of addressing the commuter whitespace, ELLA has been embraced by some of the busiest commuter hubs in Asia, with industry players including East Japan Railway Company and Stellar Lifestyle bringing ELLA to Singapore and Japan’s subway systems.

Mr. Taj Campbell
Tonari Co. Ltd. Co-founder and CEO
Taj is the co-founder and CEO of tonari, an early stage technology startup and social venture. The company builds room-sized portals that unify remote locations, enabling seamless lifelike communication that transcends physical distances and borders. tonari’s products are used in Japan by companies such as JR East, freee, CTC, Okamura, Sompo Japan, and Frontier Consulting; and more recently tonari made its first leap overseas, connecting Leave a Nest at Block71 Singapore and Center of Garage Tokyo. Taj previously worked at Google from 2007 to 2015, where as a Product Manager he co-led the design and development of Google Maps, as well as numerous foundations for Google’s mobile and location platforms. In 2016, he also co-founded Straylight, a Tokyo-based makers collective.

Shohei Michael Maekawa
Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd. Director
Mr. Maekawa is Director of Leave Nest Singapore, and also the President of Leave a Nest UK. With Enterprise Singapore he plays a pivotal role in connecting both Singapore & Japanese ecosystems. He was born in USA and raised in Europe. He studied Zoology for his undergraduate degree and Evolutionary Anthropology for his postgraduate degree, both at University College London. With experience aboard and passion towards advancement of science and technology.
株式会社リバネス 研究開発事業部
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