
株式会社リバネス(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長COO:高橋修一郎、以下「リバネス」)は、設立22周年を迎える2024年6月に、地球貢献の実現のための「概念シフト」に挑む、新たな取り組みを開始します。その第一弾として、グローバルリーダーが「対話」し、新たな概念形成に挑む「Knowledge Manufacturing Leaders X(KMLx)」を開始します。
ファシリテーター:株式会社リバネス 上野 裕子
本セッションはグローバルカンパニーへと成長したベンチャーのトップリーダーと次世代の若きリーダーとのセッションにより、「グローバルリーダー」とは何かを考えます。世界No.1のドローンソリューションプロバイダーであり、現在45カ国に展開するグローバル企業Aerodyne Groupで、これまで100億円相当の資金調達を実現してきたDeputy CEO 兼 CSOのAmir Zakwan Anuar 氏を招き、世界一のドローンベンチャーに成長するなかで、経営チームの中で培われてきた文化や、リーダーシップについてお話しいただきます。今やドローンに留まらず「プラネタリーヘルス」を実現するグローバル企業として展開するマレーシア発のAerodyne社は、どのようにしてメンバーのマインドセットを醸成し、事業を拡大し、概念を拡張し、世界展開を実現したのか、若き次世代リーダーたちと語ります。
KMLx 2024 in Tokyo 14:15-15:00
Deputy CEO and Chief Strategy Officer, Aerodyne Group
Amir commenced his career with Khazanah Nasional Berhad (a sovereign investment fund of Malaysia), spending 8 years performing investment management, M&A and Corporate Finance roles in the Kuala Lumpur headquarters and London office. Amir has managed multiple investment portfolios cumulatively worth USD billions ranging from Property Development, Real Estate as well as Innovation and Technology, in Malaysia as well as Europe at multiple stages of investments from seed stage all the way to listed companies. Amir holds a Master’s Degree in International Business from Monash University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Bioscience, also from Monash University. Amir is currently the Deputy CEO and Chief Strategy Officer of Aerodyne Group, primarily managing Aerodyne Group’s international expansion, fundraising, investment activities as well as corporate strategy at the Aerodyne Group headquarters in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Abdul Hakim Sahidi
Representative Director, Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Abdul Hakim Bin Sahidi received his Bachelor Degree in Electronic System Engineering from Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM. He is one of the pioneer members at Leave A Nest Malaysia when he joined the company in 2016. His passion is in business and he is a self-made entrepreneur ever since he was a student at the university. His current mission is to nurture more technopreneurs in Malaysia and connect them to a bigger global technopreneurship ecosystem. From 1st May 2019, he was appointed as the first local Managing Director in Leave a Nest Malaysia with strong passion to create more localized programs in Malaysia, to contribute to the growth of the country and the world.
Yevgeny Aster T. Dulla
Representative Director, Leave a Nest Philippines, Inc.
Yev was born and raised in Iloilo City, Philippines. He graduated with a degree in BS Chemistry from the University of the Philippines – Visayas, after which he worked as an instructor at the University of the Philippines – Manila. He came to Japan in 2013 and acquired his Masters in Health Life Sciences in 2015 and his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2018. He worked at a business consultancy company in Tokyo in 2019 to help bring biotechnology and medical companies from abroad into Japan. In 2020, he joined Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. He is also a Department of Science and Technology Balik Scientist Awardee last 2021 (under the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development), and is very passionate in helping accelerate science and technology in the Philippines, as he believes it will be the key to the country’s development.
Ramanujam Ravikrishna
Leave a Nest Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Managing Director, Glocalink Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Dr. Ravikrishna Ramanujam (Ravi), is in the frontier Development Division in Leave a Nest Singapore. He obtained his Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Annamalai University, India and his Ph.D (Life Sciences) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In Leave a Nest he is involved in DEEP-TECH startup scouting, entrepreneurship support & impact investing. He is also passionate about knowledge creation and encouraging the younger generation about applying science & technology for community development & towards alleviating real-world problems.
株式会社リバネス グループ開発事業本部 部長 上野 裕子
博士(理学)。在学中は極限環境生物学にて生命の起源の探求を行ってきた。2013年株式会社リバネス入社。人材開発事業部部長経て、2018年より創業開発事業部に所属、冊子『創業応援』の編集長を経て、リバネスアメリカ代表に就任。自身の研究経験を活かしながら、リバネスグループが拠点を持つアメリカ、イギリス、シンガポール、マレーシア、フィリピンのディープテックスタートアップの発掘育成を行うと同時に、スタートアップと協業した日本企業の新規事業のデザインを行う。また、日本のディープテックスタートアップの東南アジア進出や、東南アジアのスタートアップの日本進出支援の経験を経て、2021年10月よりリバネスのグループ開発事業本部 部長に就任。
KMLx 2024 in Tokyo 概要
14:00 オープニング
14:15 アカデミックセッション
15:15 グローバルセッション
16:00 クロージング
16:15 シークレットセッション(一般参加不可)