On-the-spot Interviews with Science Communicators by Our Student Editors

On-the-spot Interviews with Science Communicators by Our Student Editors

日本科学未来館住吉 美奈子 科学コミュニケーター 濱 五十鈴さん Interviewed by Minako Sumiyoshi National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Science Communicator,
Ms. Isuzu Hama

身近な分野や生活とのコラボレーションを企業で活躍できる場を開拓したい Collaborate with a Field in a Relation to Nurture Your Business Sense to Keep Your Projects
Your Daily Life


Science delivers happiness to human life, I believe. I became
a researcher in medical science because of my wish to help
others. Then, I decided to become SC to deliver the joy of
science to as many people as possible. Now, I would like to
collaborate with non-scientific topics such as art, to create
an opportunity for the non-scientist to know more about the
joy of science. Since science is a part of our culture, citizens
must take advantage of science by knowing more. How to
run the scientific grant can be decided by citizens. I hope I
would be involved in achieving the world in harmony with science as SC.

企業で活躍できる場を開拓したい Collaborate with a Field in a Relation to Nurture Your Business Sense to Keep Your Projects


I just would like tell to kids what I was interested in when I was a child. That was my motivation to become SC. When I was in job search, only a few people were acknowledged as professional SC. In those circumstances, I had a sense of mission to open up the field for the communicators to shine. What I believe important is, so called, “managerial skills” to keep the work running. Based on the needs of my colleagues in various departments, I produce teaching materials and systems for kids. To develop the field for SC, business aspect needs to be reminded, too. I hope that my move is taken as sign post for the next generation SCs.